Wednesday 31 August 2011

Explain white teeth summary and analysis?

Clara tells Archie she is pregnant, and he shares his good news around Morgan Hero, the Direct Mail Company where his job consists of deciding how various things should be folded. Archie's boss, Kelvin Hero, calls him into his office. He explains that Clara's being black made people uncomfortable at the last company event, and he pays Archie fifty pounds worth of luncheon vouchers not to bring her to the next event. Archie is too focused on Clara's pregnancy to be offended and accepts the vouchers. Because Alana is pregnant as well, she and Clara become accidental friends as their husbands did years before. The women eat on a park bench along with Neena, whom Alsana calls Niece-of-Shame. Alsana has picked strong potential names for her unborn twins. To her horror, Clara wants to name her daughter Irie, which means "Ok, cool, peaceful." Neena ridicules Alsana for refusing to talk to Samad, which she sees as traditional Indian submissiveness. Alsana points out that she and Clara would be foolish to always talk everything out with their husbands, because when they do "look at [things] close up," they are disappointed by their unimpressive and unheroic mates. Clara has to agree

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